
Brake Check and Replacements

Book your Free Brake Check Appointment.

If you are concerned about the performance of your brakes or would like them checked before going on a long journey please book an appointment in your local centre and our expert brake technicians will complete a free, no-obligation brake inspection. After the inspection we will provide you with a written brake report and a quote for any work which is required.

When to replace your brakes

Different driving patterns have a dramatic effect on how often your brakes need servicing.
For example, a set of brake pads could last up to 60,000 miles or more on a car driven mostly on the motorway. However the brakes on the same car driven mostly in busy city centre traffic may last only 25,000 miles or less.

Front brakes normally wear out before rear brakes because they handle a higher percentage of the braking load, especially on front-wheel drive cars.

It is often recommended that brake pads should be replaced if the pad friction material has worn down to a thickness of 3 millimetres. Brake disc thickness should be measured if they are at or below the manufacturer's safe minimum thickness specification they should be replaced.

What components does the 

brake inspection cover?

Our comprehensive brake check begins with a preliminary road test to check the braking system followed by a series of inspections in the following key areas: 

  •   Brake Pedal - We will check the pedal travel and servo operation during a static test.


  •  Pads & Shoes - We will measure the pads or shoes for wear and also check for damage.


  •  Wheel Cylinder - We will examine the cylinder assembly and master cylinder for damage or fluid leaks. 


  •  Disc Brake Calipers - We will examine the calipers, hoses and pipes, checking for damage or fluid leaks around each brake unit.


  •  Precision Inspection - We will measure the discs or drums for wear as well as reporting any damage.


  •  Handbrake - We will report the condition and operation of the handbrake.


  •  Brake Fluid - We will check the quality of the brake fluid to ensure it still lubricates effectively and has not taken in a high level of moisture.


  •  Final Road Test - to check the braking system is working effectively.


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