Regassing and repairs for all types of vehicles.
Just like any other part of your vehicle your car air conditioning will suffer from wear and tear. Having your air conditioning checked and maintained will help your vehicle's air conditioning to perform at optimum levels.
These are some of the frequently asked questions relating to vehicle air conditioning.
R134A gas is common in vehicles manufactured before 2014. All vehicles with air conditioning manufactured since 1st January 2017 include the new R1234YF air con gas which is more environmentally friendly. Since this date, manufacturers are no longer allowed to use the older R134A air con gas in a bid to reduce global warming as the old gas is believed to be more damaging to the environment. R1234YF gas was phased in by vehicle manufacturers over time so vehicles rolling off the production line between 2014 and 2016 could require either gas.
Most manufacturers say 3 years from registration or 30,000 miles, and then every two years after that. It does vary though by make, model and vehicle age so we are only to happy to check to find out if your vehicle is ready for an Air Conditioning Service.
Unusual smells come out of the air vents.
The windows fog up when system is turned on Air conditioning system doesn't cool the vehicle to the required temperature.
The fan or blower doesn't work .
Failure of the dashboard controls .
The air conditioning system or engine makes a loud noise when the system is turned on .
The car stalls when air conditioning is switched on There is water on the floor of the vehicle .
If you think your Air Conditioning system has developed a fault, or perhaps you think it need a re-gas get in touch .
If there are bad odours coming from your air vents when you turn on your car AC, then your car may also benefit from an air con clean, also known as a debug. Over time bacteria, mould and fungi can build up on the evaporator in your air con system which produces this unpleasant smell when switched on. In some cases this can cause sickness and respiratory problems as bacterial spores are blown into the cabin of the vehicle and breathed in by the passengers.
The good news is that we offer an air conditioning clean to decontaminate the system and kill the bacteria within. The process involves setting off a cleaning spray or ' Odour Bomb' in the vehicle cabin which is sucked into the air vents and kills off the unwanted bacteria within, leaving your vehicle air conditioning system clean and smelling fresh again.
The smells that build up in your car can be hard to get rid of. The odours can build up in your air conditioning system and on your upholstery and carpets. To truly rid your car of odours anea leave the interior smelling fresh.
An Air Conditioning Odour Bomb quickly eliminates bad smells from your air conditioning system, to freshen your car and its interior fabrics. The professional formula of this air con cleaner ensures that smells are removed rather than just masked, and it contains a pleasant aroma to leave your car smelling fresh and clean.
1234yf gas Vehicles made after 2017
r134a Most commonly used gas
Air conditioning system clean and anti bacterial bomb
Kills bacteria | Quickly eliminates bad odours | Clean your air conditioning system | Fresh & clean aroma
Free air conditioning system pressure test conditioning
Unit 20, Windmill Hill Farm Business Centre, Bartley Street, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 4DB
Phone: 0117 9532865
Company Number: 08478913
VAT Number: 263436119